Wednesday, January 2, 2008


One Sunday a month, my friend Sue gives the message at the nursing home across from our church. Her Christmas message this year began with: He is risen! He is risen indeed!
The group complained it was Christmas, not Easter. And she replied. Yes, I know. I started at the end of the story. Now let's go back to the beginning, and see how this all began, because Jesus came for us. WE are the underlying reason for the season. He had to come......for us!
What a beautiful thought! At the end of her message, she said to the group again, He is risen. And they all shouted back in joy, in CHRISTmas joy, He is risen indeed!
It is my plan to keep those thoughts in my uppermost mind this year.

Soon I will put away the Nativity that my mother gave me so many years ago. My mother loved babies, and she would have loved dearly to hold the baby Jesus in her arms. She couldn't. So she held Him in her heart.
in our home,
when the baby cries,
His parents pick him up.
Sometimes Joseph.
Sometimes Mary.
He gets lots of attention in our house.
May he get the same in yours!

Every death has its Easter, and it all began with CHRISTmas.